We are the WashWasp!!


We are the locally friendly, "full-service laundry delivery" business in Tampa FL, Clearwater FL, and its surrounding regions.

Wash, Dry, Fold, and Deliver.
Our mission is to help busy people to live their everyday lives a bit better and free!


What do we do?

Laundry can become a major obstacle to living our lives with full potential.
-Wasting away the time and energy that is already scarce.                             
-Painful chores to deal with every day: a ball and chain in your daily life.   
-You could do something else preferable if you didn't have to do laundry.

We understand deeply, hence we are here to take over your shackles for your freedom.
Life is too short for wasting away with laundry. 
You deserve to live happier and lighter, that is our pleasure.

Our service

Residential wash

Wash & Delivery service for normal residents.
Imagine what can accomplish in a day from the free time/energy you get.

Commercial wash 

For local offices, restaurants, hospitals, etc...
Boost your productivity and sales with a special offer from us.

Airbnb/Hotel wash

Save your time and energy on welcoming another guest.
Making your property management easier.

More questions?

Feel free to leave us a message about your concerns.

We will reply to you back ASAP.
